What is Picme Registeration?

Overview of PICME Registration and Birth Certificates

PICME, which stands for Pregnancy and Infant Cohort Monitoring and Evaluation, is an initiative launched by the Tamil Nadu government to monitor the health of pregnant women throughout their pregnancy journey. This system allows expectant mothers to register at https://picme.tn.gov.in/ from the early stages of pregnancy up until they secure a birth certificate for their newborn. Upon registration, mothers receive a unique 12-digit RCH ID, which the Public Health Department uses to track various aspects of their pregnancy.

How to Register for PICME

Pregnant women can complete their PICME registration at local government healthcare facilities, hospitals, and primary health centers. They can also reach out to local nurses or workers at Aanganwadi centers to obtain their 12-digit registration code. Additionally, registration services are available at Common Service Centers (CSCs) in villages. Once registered, expectant mothers can access benefits under the Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) scheme. During the ante-natal period, local nurses will monitor these registered mothers and assist them in uploading necessary documents to the official PICME system.

Birth Certificate Process

For mothers registered under PICME, obtaining a birth certificate for their newborn is a straightforward process. After childbirth, the mother can simply present her RCH ID to facilitate the quick issuance of the birth certificate.

Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy Maternity Benefit Scheme

In addition to healthcare services, expectant mothers facing financial challenges can benefit from the Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy Maternity Benefit Scheme. This program provides financial assistance of up to Rs. 12,000 to registered mothers as follows:

1. The first installment of Rs. 4,000 is provided during the seventh month of pregnancy to cover essential health services.

2. After childbirth, mothers who deliver in government or local body institutions receive a second installment of Rs. 4,000.

3. The third installment of Rs. 4,000 is granted upon the completion of the third dose of DPT, Hepatitis, and Polio vaccinations for the child.

To access these benefits and financial support through the Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy Maternity Benefit Scheme, PICME registration is essential.

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